Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Bump at Thirty-Four Weeks

Starting to feel a little blimpy... I get to meet the human I'm making here in 6 weeks or so! I'm hoping a little sooner. I feel like it should be sooner... I've gained 6 pounds in the past two weeks, hitting 169 at my last doctors visit. :) I'm expanding QUICKLY. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Bump at Thirty-Two Weeks

Hoorah! I'm only 6 weeks away from a 2 month long vacation and 8 weeks away from meeting the human being in my stomach. I weighed in at 163 pounds, and little Meadow is an estimated 4 pounds! She's about 19 inches long and very busy practicing for life outside of the womb. She'll gain about half a pound a week up until birth. As for Daddy and I, the carseat is installed, the bottles are in the cabinet, there are diapers in the diaper bag.... We only need a baby in the crib!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Bump at Thirty Weeks

Look at me grow! The next 10 weeks are bound to round me out.

And one with Meadow's daddy!